Frequently Asked Questions...
and the answers
Alternatives to Guardianship and Conservatorship
Sometimes people just need answers. We understand that using a fiduciary service can be intimidating. These are answers to our most asked questions. If something you wish to ask is not listed, please call us.
Sometimes people just need a little help to continue living independently. We offer a full range of services as less restrictive alternatives to guardianships and conservatorships.
Using a Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney for Health Care
Appointment of a Health Care Representative
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As more of our population is aging, the need for services that focus on the concerns of that population is vital. It is important to tailor services specifically to each individual. We take the time to understand not only those matters of an immediate nature, but believe it is important to put together a long-term plan. Whether it is health related, with maybe the need for a caregiver due to diminished physical mobility, or concerns over day-to-day tasks such as bill paying, shopping, etc., our focus is on providing peace of mind that all areas of concern are addressed so you or your loved one can continue to live independently as long as possible.
Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a voluntary arrangement by which you delegate certain stated powers to someone else. The written power of attorney specifies the financial and/or legal powers given to the second person, also called the “attorney-in-fact”. The person who signs the power of attorney and the “attorney-in-fact” can both exercise the stated powers. A power of attorney is revocable at any time prior to incapacity. In Oregon, a power of attorney is “durable”. Unless it is revoked or contains language limiting its use, it remains in force until the person dies, even if the person later becomes incapacitated.
Power of Attorney for Health Care/Appointment of a Health Care Representative
This is a type of power of attorney by which a person voluntarily delegates the power to direct his or her health care to someone else when the person is unable to do so for him or herself. Ponderosa Fiduciary Services accepts appointment as an agent-in-fact under a healthcare power of attorney and will work with you to make sure we have a clear understanding of what your instructions are regarding your healthcare and end of life instructions.
Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a voluntary arrangement by which you delegate certain stated powers to someone else. The written power of attorney specifies the financial and/or legal powers given to the second person, also called the “attorney-in-fact”. The person who signs the power of attorney and the “attorney-in-fact” can both exercise the stated powers. A power of attorney is revocable at any time prior to incapacity. In Oregon, a power of attorney is “durable”. Unless it is revoked or contains language limiting its use, it remains in force until the person dies, even if the person later becomes incapacitated.
Power of Attorney for Health Care/Appointment of a Health Care Representative
This is a type of power of attorney by which a person voluntarily delegates the power to direct his or her health care to someone else when the person is unable to do so for him or herself. Ponderosa Fiduciary Services accepts appointment as an agent-in-fact under a healthcare power of attorney and will work with you to make sure we have a clear understanding of what your instructions are regarding your healthcare and end of life instructions.
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